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Function for using RioPalettes colors schemes in ggplot2. Use scale_color_rio_d() and scale_fill_rio_d() for discrete scales and scale_color_rio_c() and scale_fill_rio_c() for continuous scales.


scale_color_rio_c(palette_name, direction = 1, ...)



Name of Palette. Choices are: Beija_Flor, Grande_Rio, Imperatriz_Leopoldinense, Imperio_Serrano, Mangueira, Padre_Miguel, Paraiso_Tuiuti, Portela, Salgueiro, Sao_Clemente, Tijuca, Uniao_Ilha, Vila_Isabel, Viradouro.


Sets order of colors. Default palette is 1. If direction is -1, palette color order is reversed


Other arguments passed on to ggplot2::scale_color_gradientn()


# Gets the scores of Salgueiro from 1968 until 2018 on the Bateria criterion.
# Throws some warnings to inform the user which years are absent of the data
# (either from missing info or because the school didn't compete in the main league)
df <- get_scores(years = 1968:2018,
                 schools = "Acadêmicos do Salgueiro",
                 criterions = "BATERIA")
#> Warning: Your selection does not contains: 1982, 1983, 1984

# Loads ggplot2

# Creates a plot and applies the palette of Salgueiro
df |>
  ggplot(aes(x = year, y = score, color = score)) +
    geom_point() +